Social responsibility or Divine providence?

There is a lot of debate going on for a long time now, about how and why people act in the name of God. How people use the name of God, their country, and religion to perform certain actions, has been a constant dilemma. People defend their faith and through that, they think that they are defending their country or their God. According to them, they are right. And they try to prove it, using logic. Is that justified? For example, eating certain foods (or not eating a few food items) in the name of religion, irrespective of the social or health consequence, is it justified? Hitting or attacking someone, invading someone’s privacy,  in the name of God/country, or any other reason, irrespective of the consequences, is it justified?

Stained Glass, Spiral, Circle, Pattern, Glass, Religion

People tend to prove their actions and thoughts with logic. They attach reasons (read excuses) to explain certain things and justify them. They seek like-minded people, many of whom with no thinking or opinion of their own, join into a group together, as collective voice is stronger. It is called ‘herd mentality’. Where it does not matter what is being said, what is the truth or rationale behind it, what will be the social, moral, and other consequences. Or even what is it that we are trying to achieve. Where are we aiming to go? Apparently, all that doesn’t matter. Instead, few people have certain strong beliefs, stemmed from upbringing and exposure to other like-minded seniors, who have passed on the baton to them. They build these beliefs, seeking, influencing, mobilizing, and collecting support from others, most of whom have no voice of their own.

So, what should we do? “What is more important – social responsibility or divine providence?” quizzed the young and dynamic spiritual Master, Acharya Ishan Shivanand.

Dove, Hand, Trust, God, Pray, Prayer, Peace, Soul

The knowledgeable Siddha, Avdhoota Baba Shivanand Ji explained – “Shivyog, which is about merging with the Infinite, is a phenomenon. It is about the ancient practices used and passed on by our saints, i.e. – about nonduality. Those who fight, do so who believe that they have less or those who want to defend themselves. In Shivyog, we learn that there is ample available in the Universe, for everyone. You have to learn to tap whatever you want. The Universe is full of Abundance.”

The Universe does not know the concept of scarcity or dearth. Ignorant people feel that they have received a raw deal and others have more. So, vibrating at a lower energy frequency with these negative psychic beliefs, they attempt to snatch from others. Then they find a reason to justify it. These people steal, kill, and snatch in the name of God. In reality, “God which is within you has infinite powers. When you have to create, awaken your powers by forgiveness, love, gratitude, and sharing. Shiv Yog is about giving love and life. It is not about taking away. Instead, it is about sharing what we have and others don’t. Clothes, food, and necessities to underprivileged. This is the actual work of God. You cannot escape from God as God is within you”, rationalizes the extremely wise Himalayan saint.

Strength, Together, Community, We Make It, Help, Watch

Some people argue that they are ‘karma yogis’. It is actually about union (yog) with the Infinite. So, one must fulfill their duties. Only earning money or leading regular life where you eat, work, sleep, entertain, and then get up the next day to repeat the cycle, is not true karmas. This is what animals do. It is called ‘pashu bhaav’ (animal emotion). This is with no offense to animals. I am a huge animal lover, myself. So, no question of degrading the pure creatures.

But, that is the truth, isn’t it? What does an animal think of the whole time? Well, most species of animals. They spend the day finding or hunting for food and in the evening, come back to their family and rest. Then, the next morning, wake up and follow the same routine. Sadly, that is what most people do too. They live mundane and routine lives, getting up in the morning, traveling to work (to earn money), coming back in the evening, watching television while having dinner, and finally going to sleep.

Small, Little, European, Street, Daily, Everyday, Life

While earning a livelihood is very important for all, for self-confidence, financial and emotional independence, and constructive work during the day, life is much more than that. One must go beyond these, meditate, serve, connect with divinity to unlock the hidden potential of the human existence.

So, what should common people do, protect themselves and their loved ones from negativity in life? It starts with self, extends to our soul group, which includes our close family members and friends, all of whom have been together from previous lives. Then, it extends to our extended family of acquaintances, colleagues, and all those who we interact with. Then, it extends to city, state, country, world, nature, animals, birds, and the entire Universe. The essence lies in inculcating and sending feelings of gratitude, unconditional love, and positive vibrations to all. There are various ways or prayers for practicing these. Shiv Yog has various forms of mediations called Gratitude prayer, Nachiketa Agni Dhyan, and a lot of other healing meditations, which is infused with the Shivyog principles and followed religiously, heal the self, relationships, circumstances, situations, professions, country, world, and Universe. The power of prayers, especially collective prayers is magnanimous and if tapped properly, can change as well as create destiny.

Religion, Faith, Cross, Light, Hand, Trust, God, Pray

Our life is our choice and we have the freedom to select our thoughts, inspirations, motivations, and accordingly create our own destiny and life.


Published by Nupur Vimal

Creative Content Writer, Freelancer, Blogger, Corporate Social Responsibility Enthusiast, Project Manager, Event Manager, Social Activist

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