The Power of Silence

There are innumerable physical and psychological benefits of silence. Silence is a very powerful tool for purposeful living and mindfulness. It has various reported health benefits, such as reduced blood pressure, decreased cortisol, enhancing brain growth and improving insomnia. Silence helps calming down, stress relief, mindfulness, increases self awareness, self compassion, clarity, and improves decision making. Silence stimulates creativity.

Silence depicts confidence. It is an art when and where to use silence aptly in conversations. It also depicts assertiveness and strength. You appear more credible and dependable, both personally and professionally.

Silence is a powerful tool to use for someone you feel has wronged you. As they say, silence is the best revenge. It is better to keep quiet than engage in violence altercations. You will also gain respect for the same.

Silence increases realization. When you are silent and your mind is not overburdened with the pressure of speech, you become more observant, compassionate, engaged, perceptive and clear. You will be able to see and hear things, gain insights that you otherwise might not . You will be able to listen to your inner voice, guiding you.

Learn to train your mind to be stay silent at the right time. Focus, observe, listen and perceive with all 5 senses. Master the art of calming down and quietening your mind and soul. Use silence appropriately as a magnetic tool to improve interpersonal relationships, people skills and productivity in performance.

Published by Nupur Vimal

Creative Content Writer, Freelancer, Blogger, Corporate Social Responsibility Enthusiast, Project Manager, Event Manager, Social Activist

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