Philanthropy – a way of life – 1

In our fast-paced, dynamic lives that we lead these days, especially in the corporate world, where we ‘get up, get ready for work, rush to work, work the whole day, come back home, drop in front of the TV and go to sleep’, there is dryness, monotony. Some admit it, some don’t. Some feel it,Continue reading “Philanthropy – a way of life – 1”

Why selfless service?

My Guru, the living legend and the Father of Indian Healing, now also a Doctor, Avdhoota Baba Shivanand Ji says that there are 2 ways of living – either live a life paying for or utilizing past lives’ karmas OR change it for the better. There are 3 ways to reduce the effects of previouslyContinue reading “Why selfless service?”

Time to thank the GIVER

I get up in the morning and a beautiful breeze welcomes me. There are trees and plants all around, which is not only a beautiful landscape but also a natural air purifier! And every time, I silently thank nature and the people who planted those trees. Similarly, the roads we travel on, the fruits, vegetables,Continue reading “Time to thank the GIVER”