Solace in the Himalayas

A road trip to the serene Himalayas. Throw in a lot of enthusiasm, fun, trekking, beautiful landscapes, wonderful climate, a heavenly destination, a very renowned ancient Indian temple, and a lot of bonding – the result is a perfect weekend getaway. That is what it exactly was. When it began, at close to Friday midnight, itContinue reading “Solace in the Himalayas”


Working in an MNC, I have a lot of young colleagues, in the same age group. Although we all come from a variety of backgrounds and places, one thing common between all of us is that we are the youth. In an expanding team, everyone has their own set of beliefs, values, culture, personality, intelligenceContinue reading “Intoxication”

It’s OK..

I am glad that I am able to reach out to people through this medium and give some kind of hope to those who need it. That was the main intention behind my writing and publishing these articles. I have been getting requests to write on key common issues faced by people today and howContinue reading “It’s OK..”


Following up on how spirituality, divinity, creativity, and positivity are oxygen for the soul, here is my take on why it is important and how it helps in creation. There are various highs and lows in life and they constantly go on, come and go. Today, there was a crisis at a friend’s office. AContinue reading “TORCHBEARERS”


We all have grown up with certain beliefs, thought processes, and mindsets. These have been influenced by our upbringing, family, and friends, the other people whom we interact with, our circumstances and situations in life. We grow up seeing our parents and relatives and imbibe a lot of those values, lifestyle choices, and beliefs. IContinue reading “OXYGEN”

Social responsibility or Divine providence?

There is a lot of debate going on for a long time now, about how and why people act in the name of God. How people use the name of God, their country, and religion to perform certain actions, has been a constant dilemma. People defend their faith and through that, they think that theyContinue reading “Social responsibility or Divine providence?”

Nine Divine Nights

Festivals worldwide are occasions for celebrations. Different cultures and countries celebrate a variety of festivals globally. What is common between all of them is the love and bonding shared by the family and friends while preparing for the rituals, the anticipation, the variety of and tasty food made and served, and the general aura beforeContinue reading “Nine Divine Nights”

What is our IDENTITY?

‘Look at the guy in the Ford that just whizzed by’. ‘Wow, you drive a Polo!’. ‘This Armani shirt looks amazing’. ‘Samsung? No way. It has to be Apple.’ Sounds familiar? This is the truth of today. The identity of the youth is confused with or has been reduced to the names of brands. ThatContinue reading “What is our IDENTITY?”

Mystical experiences with my soul family

“Sessions were long and Sadhana was intense. The bond made was phenomenal for even though it has been a few hours apart I miss them already. The result was beautiful, all of us in heaven made by our father, scattered in the grass like freshly blossomed flowers, our fragrance reaching far to the one weContinue reading “Mystical experiences with my soul family”

Pure intention is Key

The recent volunteer projects organized by me during corporate life, have been implemented successfully and were great experiences in learning and fun. Whether it is the tree plantation drives in the monsoons, teaching underprivileged kids in government schools and slum areas, helping the senior citizens get digitally educated, organizing exhibitions for handicrafts made by streetContinue reading “Pure intention is Key”