Impact of CSR

Corporate Social Responsibility, practiced by multinationals and other large corporate groups can create wonders for the top humanitarian causes plaguing our society these days. Many NGOs are working round the clock for the upliftment of the underprivileged, care of elderly, women and children, education, environmental and wildlife preservation and conservation, disaster relief, and many more.Continue reading “Impact of CSR”

Mystical experiences with my soul family

“Sessions were long and Sadhana was intense. The bond made was phenomenal for even though it has been a few hours apart I miss them already. The result was beautiful, all of us in heaven made by our father, scattered in the grass like freshly blossomed flowers, our fragrance reaching far to the one weContinue reading “Mystical experiences with my soul family”

Keep your destination in mind

“Begin with the end in mind” – Stephen R. Covey This is a topic very close to my heart. Over the past few years, thankfully, I have crossed the bridge, from realism to positivity, making me realize the differences in the mindsets of people. We are all taught to express what we think. And whatContinue reading “Keep your destination in mind”

Pure intention is Key

The recent volunteer projects organized by me during corporate life, have been implemented successfully and were great experiences in learning and fun. Whether it is the tree plantation drives in the monsoons, teaching underprivileged kids in government schools and slum areas, helping the senior citizens get digitally educated, organizing exhibitions for handicrafts made by streetContinue reading “Pure intention is Key”

Corporate social responsibility – 2

In my previous article, I talked about why and how we can find opportunities for CSR activities and philanthropy at the workplace. It is not only good for society as well as extremely beneficial for our own personal development and growth. Moving on, there are various advantages of integrating altruistic activities with our corporate lives.Continue reading “Corporate social responsibility – 2”

Corporate social responsibility – 1

Carry out a random act of kindness with no expectation of reward; safe in the knowledge that one day, someone might do the same to you – Princess Diana. This statement pretty much sums up the main motivation behind indulging in philanthropic acts. In my previous 2 articles, I talked mainly about how little actsContinue reading “Corporate social responsibility – 1”

Philanthropy – a way of life – 2

The volunteer and CSR projects at my workplace are going very well, thanks to the Master for inspiring all of us to move out of our comfort zones and extend our services to the needy. With divine grace and teamwork, help appears at the right moment, be it in the form of volunteers, the requiredContinue reading “Philanthropy – a way of life – 2”

Philanthropy – a way of life – 1

In our fast-paced, dynamic lives that we lead these days, especially in the corporate world, where we ‘get up, get ready for work, rush to work, work the whole day, come back home, drop in front of the TV and go to sleep’, there is dryness, monotony. Some admit it, some don’t. Some feel it,Continue reading “Philanthropy – a way of life – 1”

Why selfless service?

My Guru, the living legend and the Father of Indian Healing, now also a Doctor, Avdhoota Baba Shivanand Ji says that there are 2 ways of living – either live a life paying for or utilizing past lives’ karmas OR change it for the better. There are 3 ways to reduce the effects of previouslyContinue reading “Why selfless service?”

Time to thank the GIVER

I get up in the morning and a beautiful breeze welcomes me. There are trees and plants all around, which is not only a beautiful landscape but also a natural air purifier! And every time, I silently thank nature and the people who planted those trees. Similarly, the roads we travel on, the fruits, vegetables,Continue reading “Time to thank the GIVER”