THIS is the Time

With the ‘forced’ isolation and quarantine going on around the world due to COVID – 19, we also have been given a very precious element. We have been given the gift of TIME. Time, that was always elusive. Time, that we always craved for and wished we had more of it. So, this is IT.Continue reading “THIS is the Time”

Solace in the Himalayas

A road trip to the serene Himalayas. Throw in a lot of enthusiasm, fun, trekking, beautiful landscapes, wonderful climate, a heavenly destination, a very renowned ancient Indian temple, and a lot of bonding – the result is a perfect weekend getaway. That is what it exactly was. When it began, at close to Friday midnight, itContinue reading “Solace in the Himalayas”


Working in an MNC, I have a lot of young colleagues, in the same age group. Although we all come from a variety of backgrounds and places, one thing common between all of us is that we are the youth. In an expanding team, everyone has their own set of beliefs, values, culture, personality, intelligenceContinue reading “Intoxication”

It’s OK..

I am glad that I am able to reach out to people through this medium and give some kind of hope to those who need it. That was the main intention behind my writing and publishing these articles. I have been getting requests to write on key common issues faced by people today and howContinue reading “It’s OK..”


A colleague asked me recently, what is meditation exactly? How do you meditate? She wanted to know whether there is any set pattern that she could follow. There is none. That is the beauty of it. There are various methods of meditations, taught by different spiritual masters. Essentially, meditation is the art of silencing theContinue reading “Meditation”

Mystical experiences with my soul family

“Sessions were long and Sadhana was intense. The bond made was phenomenal for even though it has been a few hours apart I miss them already. The result was beautiful, all of us in heaven made by our father, scattered in the grass like freshly blossomed flowers, our fragrance reaching far to the one weContinue reading “Mystical experiences with my soul family”