FIGHT back

This worldwide crisis of COVID-19 has come to teach us all various lessons. It does not matter how this originated. It does not matter whether this was an accident or done deliberately. What really matters is, What now?

Medicine, Mask, Coronavirus, Doctor, Hospital, Virus

With so much information and media around us, our locus of control has always been external. Now that we are ‘compelled‘ to stay indoors, we must learn to focus within.

We must use this time and opportunity to build and strengthen ourselves so that we can emerge out of this stronger. That is the way we all can fight back this pandemic and defeat it. If we don’t let it affect us, the battle is won.

Build your Immunity. Strengthen your immune system. A robust immune system wards of infections and diseases. It keeps you healthier, stronger, and happier. You will be better equipped to be there for your family. So, take care of yourself.

Health, Fitness, Health Is Wealth, Good Health

Here are some tips:

  • Now that the luxury of outside food is not there, home-cooked food consumption is half the battle won. We can make this healthier, by consuming raw fruits, eating less, having more water, avoiding fried and fast food. This will not only save the collective resources and relieve the lady of the house, but also build you internally.

Fruit, Fruits, Fruit Salad, Fresh, Bio, Healthy, Heart

  • Exercise as you can. With a limited area for movement, walks are not possible. But there are numerous other ways. Lunges, cardio, yoga, skipping, and many more home workout options are there to choose from. This will also strengthen you internally. You will be able to keep diseases at bay.

Beach, Sunset, Yoga, Meditate, Meditation, Pose

  • Dietary supplements also help. They fulfill the nutritional gap which our diet and lifestyle cannot. Ensure to have a complete nutritious diet to boost your immunity and build you internally. A stronger you, is all set to face the challenges of life – both at the home as well as work front.

Pills, Tablets, Drug, Medical, Nutrient Additives

  • A positive mental attitude is a big winner. Reading and listening to positive books and messages not only relaxes you but also clears your mind of all fears and anxiety. Be grateful for all acts of kindness and love showed by your family members. Gratitude brings abundance. You can positively build up your social media presence and network professionally online.

Moon, Reach, Dream, Fantasy, Ladder, Reach For The Moon

  • Sleep and rest. Catch a good night’s sleep. Try going to bed early and rise early. Avoid social and electronic media after dinner. This is a good time to attune to the natural body clock, the way nature intended to. This way your senses and reflexes will work better.

Bed, Bedroom, Blanket, Books, Cover, Cozy, Cushion

  • Last but not the least, spend time with yourself. YOU are the most important. You are the Hero of your life. You are the role model for your family and loved ones. So, take care of yourself. Pamper yourself by self-grooming. Meditate and rejuvenate.

Meditation, Zen, Chan, Yoga, Statue, Rest, Art, Figure

We will fight back and emerge winners.

May these words reach those who need them and benefit all. Please Like, Share and Subscribe. Spread the LIGHT. Spread the LOVE.

Published by Nupur Vimal

Creative Content Writer, Freelancer, Blogger, Corporate Social Responsibility Enthusiast, Project Manager, Event Manager, Social Activist

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