This pandemic has been a huge learning lesson for all of us. We have realized that everything – jobs, houses, material things and moreover LIFE – EVERYTHING is temporary and transient. Attachment to any material thing is worthless. This is a huge reality check for us to change our outlook towards life and our lifestyle. It is a divine opportunity to be mindful and grateful for EVERYTHING.

Thank You, Letters, Thank You Very Much, Word, Font

We have been taking so many things for granted. But Mother Nature is a benevolent and at the same time, a strict mother. When we continuously ignore the signs, ruthlessly abuse the resources, function selfishly and mindlessly, the divine forces have to step in to teach us the lesson. All this time, Nature has been damaged, tarnished and savagely harmed by our own actions. It is very easy to blame others – the government, international politics, technology and many other logics but we forget the main culprit – US. While one finger is pointed at others, the other 3 are pointing back at us. So we must understand this and take responsibility for our own actions.

Colorful, Prismatic, Chromatic, Rainbow, Triangles

It is lack of acknowledgement and gratitude in our lives that is creating miseries, sufferings and scarcity. We wait for big things in life but now we must realize that we have so much to be thankful for. If we can eat right, secrete right, breathe right, that itself is a very big blessing. If we have food, clothing and shelter, it is a huge grace. Pay homage to your body. Treat it with utmost respect. We must be THANKFUL. We must be thankful for all that we have in our lives – family, friends, work, homes and material pleasures. We must be grateful for all those who serve us relentlessly day in and day out. In the current situation, we must salute all the medical staff and frontline healthcare workers, the sweepers, the police and all those who have stepped out of the safety of their homes to serve mankind. We must be very thankful to all our household helps be it the housemaid, the car cleaner, the driver, guards and all blue collared staff. We must be very obliged to all the delivery personnel who are supplying us our essentials. We are also indebted to all those backend heroes who are working round the clock, behind the scenes to help us come out of this calamity. We must acknowledge the efforts of those who are constantly praying for healing, peace and balance throughout the day and night, selflessly.

Doctor, Corona, Coronavirus, Covid-19, Protection

There is glory in GRATITUDE. While it may seem difficult at the moment and may also seem as a favor to others, it is NOT. Actually, gratitude is for our own benefit. The more we are thankful for the little things in life, the more we will be able to attract larger and better things for our own selves and others. The more thankful we are, the more we will be able to manifest what we want in our lives. The more obliged and humble we are, the more motivated and inspired we will be to step out of our comfort zones and do our bit for the society. We are internally propelled to find constructive solutions. The more helping hands there are, the easier and smoother it will be to pass this unfortunate time.

Love, Kindness, Meditation, Non-Judgment, Openness

Gratitude improves our physical, psychological, mental, emotional and spiritual health and well-being. It makes us more empathetic towards others and makes our relationships more beautiful. Gratitude opens the doors to more cosmic healing, divine energy and spirituality. When we are thankful, our personality becomes more pleasing, we become more effective and efficient in relationships and work. Gratitude boosts self esteem, reduces aggression and makes us flow with the cosmic rhythm of nature. Gratitude upgrades mental strength, which is the foundation to heal, prevent and cure diseases. It enhances our natural survival instinct and will power. With gratitude, we are able to surrender to the Supreme wholeheartedly and embrace the love, healing and blessings from divinity.

Heart, Love, Deco, Decoration, Decorative

Gratitude is no more a luxury, but the need of the hour. We can no longer sit back and say – oh, household jobs are thankless and so on. We have to focus on the change within. When we transform at the micro level, we can project beautiful vibrations and spearhead magnanimous changes at the macro level. So, be more and more grateful from today. Express your gratitude openly and happily. Be the torchbearer to spread happiness, joy, love, positivity and encouragement. Let us all pledge to become better versions of our own selves, emerge victorious out of this and create a brighter tomorrow.

May these words reach those who need them and benefit all. Please Like, Share and Subscribe. Spread the LIGHT. Spread the LOVE.

Published by Nupur Vimal

Creative Content Writer, Freelancer, Blogger, Corporate Social Responsibility Enthusiast, Project Manager, Event Manager, Social Activist

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