THIS is the Time

With the ‘forced’ isolation and quarantine going on around the world due to COVID – 19, we also have been given a very precious element. We have been given the gift of TIME. Time, that was always elusive. Time, that we always craved for and wished we had more of it. So, this is IT. THIS IS THE TIME.

Pocket Watch, Clock, Time, Old, Nostalgia, Antique

This is the Time to Build your health and Immunity.

Diet, Calorie Counter, Weight Loss, Health, Food

In the rat race of rushing for work or studies, we have often neglected our bodies. We have been choosing instant and quick meals rather than simple food. We have also been relying on readymade raw materials such as chopped frozen vegetables, readymade curd, ghee, cottage cheese, and what not! Now is the time to make all that at home, with love and care for your family. This can never come from outside food. In the stress of commuting, we have also forgotten to exercise. This is the Time to catch up on your yoga or exercise regimes and get back into shape.

Yoga, Yoga Mat, Green

This is the Time to spend with your family. Remember the gentle and sometimes not so gentle complaints of the spouse, children, and parents that they need more of you? This is the time to show you care. This is the time to catch up on all the little things of your children growing up that you have missed. This is the time to sit and TALK to your parents about how they are feeling.

Beach, Family, Fun, Leisure, Ocean, Relaxation, Sand

This is the Time to feel and express love, appreciation, and gratitude to not only your loved ones but also those who are away from you. This time will make you realize the importance of your staff – the household help, the sweeper, the gardener, the driver, and any other staff that you might have. This is the time to feel grateful for all the help that they have offered you in the past for you to succeed in your work and maintain a luxurious lifestyle. We are also indirectly helped and assisted by so many other people, such as in hospitals, public transportation, banks, schools, colleges, and even offices. Time to mentally thank them too.

Clothespins, Colorful, Dry, Clamp, Budget, Jam, Hang

This is the Time to spend with yourself. Remember how many times, while being busy with your work and routine, your heart has expressed a wish to just be alone by yourself for some time? Just put up your feet and sit quietly, listen to your inner voice? Remember how when working hard to fulfill the needs and desires of your family, you yourself have felt neglected? This is the time to sit back, relax, introspect, and spend time with YOU.

Sea, Scotland, Rest, Rock, Beach, Coast, Water, Blue

This is the Time to re-evaluate your life. Figure out where you are going and where you want to go. This is the time to rethink what you want in and from life. To analyze all that you have achieved in life and what more is yet to achieve. Moreover, are those desires and goals in alignment with your ultimate destination? Do you know your ultimate destination?

Park, Square, Garden, Trees, Shadow, Woman, Calm, Only

Close your eyes for some time. Slow down for a bit and relax. Don’t worry. Everything will remain the same. Outside. But something inside you will definitely change. Your inner voice will communicate something to you. Your soul knows your soul agenda, the purpose of this life, and what you really want. That is what will give you the ultimate happiness.

This is the Time to rejuvenate and heal yourself. Seek what you want from divinity. This is the time to not just pray for the well-being of your family but also that of mankind and humanity. This is the time when we all should collectively pray for world peace, health, and happiness. Only then our individual lives will be more fulfilled.

Spiritualism, Awakening, Meditation, Yogi, Aura

This is the Time to finish all your pending work. Remember the little things that take up those extra minutes of your precious time when you have to rush for office or send the kids to school? You have always wanted to sort that drawer, organize those papers, clean that desk, clear that cupboard..the list is endless. Now is the Time.

Desk, Neat, Workplace, Organized, Office, Table, Work

It is also a good time to build your social media presence and online positioning. Prepare for your life post lockdown.

Network, Social, Social Network, Technology

This extended time of self-isolation along with anxiety and uncertainty is not easy. We are not used to it. We have never spent so much time at home. This is New. New might be scary for some. But it is up to us to make it beautiful and memorable.

When the going gets tough, the tough get going.

May these words reach those who need them and benefit all. Please Like, Share and Subscribe. Spread the LIGHT. Spread the LOVE.

Published by Nupur Vimal

Creative Content Writer, Freelancer, Blogger, Corporate Social Responsibility Enthusiast, Project Manager, Event Manager, Social Activist

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