Every Drop Counts..

The present circumstances have engulfed everyone in gloom, confusions, disbelief and fear. There are many conspiracy theories doing the rounds, both at the micro and macro level. Now, it is up to us to transform gloom into sunshine, confusions and disbelief into positive and strong belief and fear into peace. We have to learn to accept and live in the present and at the same time, work hard and visualize a brighter and happier tomorrow.

Cloud, Heart, Love, Romance, Romantic, Dream, Lovers

We all must do our part. Irrespective of who we are, how small our gesture or capacity may be or the impact of our little work may have on the whole situation, we MUST ACT. Our action may seem as trivial as calling or texting people to ask how they are doing. We do not know who out there is soaked in misery and a kind word might just cheer him up or give him the will to live. In these tumultuous times, strangers and relatives are all alike. It does not matter how we are related to whom and what not. What matters is that we can be a beacon of LIGHT and a ray of hope to someone who needs it the most. Remember that every drop counts. Drops of water collectively make the ocean.

Rays, Sun, Light, Fog, Forest, Sky, Landscape, Sunbeam

Worrying comes naturally to human nature, especially with the media going overboard with sensational stories, prophecies and numbers. Now, we have to pause for a moment and think. We have to ponder over – how do I fit in the scheme of things? What is my role? How can I help? What is my actual contribution to this situation – a positive thought, prayer or worry and tension? We have the POWER TO CHOOSE. The power of unconditional PRAYERS and GRATITUDE is phenomenal. Listening is an art that is fading. Removing people’s loneliness is also a great way to contribute. It might just save lives.

Hands, Praying, Worship, Belief, Crossed Fingers

It is advisable and downright mandatory to STAY INDOORS these days. But staying indoors is not enough! Those who are healthy have a moral responsibility to extend a helping hand for the needy. Besides working hard on our own immunity and safety, we must think of ways in which we can approach or be approachable to those who require resources such as oxygen, medicines, beds, ventilators etc.

Dove, Hand, Trust, God, Pray, Prayer, Peace, Soul

Be in the present. Accept the situation completely. Work hard for solutions and then surrender to the Supreme. Do not get caught in negative discussions. Be thankful for every little thing or positive thought extended for and towards you. Be the torchbearer for bringing relief and peace. Rationalizing and analyzing will not lead us anywhere. We have to sustain this difficult time and move on to create a luminous future. The future is what we create and visualize NOW. We all need to work together to restore balance, rhythm and harmony in this world.

May these words reach those who need them and benefit all. Please Like, Share and Subscribe. Spread the LIGHT. Spread the LOVE.

Published by Nupur Vimal

Creative Content Writer, Freelancer, Blogger, Corporate Social Responsibility Enthusiast, Project Manager, Event Manager, Social Activist

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