The ongoing situation is indeed difficult for everyone, to say the least. But we have to be strong to overcome it. We have to shine at this dark hour and expand the light everywhere. Media is relentlessly projecting disastrous numbers. But we have the power to look at the positive side. We have the power to choose. We must focus on the recoveries. Many people have successfully recovered and many more are on the way to triumphant recuperation.

Smile, Sun, Sunflower, Mockup, Heart, Love, Affection

We have to develop the attitude that We can beat it. Be strong mentally. Never give up. This can be overcome. Foster the Strength, Power and the Will to fight back. If we are strong mentally, we can win battles physically. We have to nurture the attitude of gratitude, togetherness, oneness and the powerful belief that there is light at the end of the tunnel. Constructive self declarations help. I Can do it. I Will win. I Have conquered this.

Strength, Strong, Arm, Muscles, Motivation, Motivate

We must trust God’s Light and Healing. Have Faith that it’s all going to alright soon. Let the prophecies and calculations be. Don’t lose hope ever. Like buildings and mansions are made on strong metallic foundations, a brighter and happier tomorrow will be built on today’s foundation of belief and faith. We will emerge victorious out of this. Inculcate and nurture that spirit within you but follow all COVID safety protocols. Speak only positive words. Think only positive thoughts. Our future is in our hands. We must be mindful what we are contributing and projecting – a prayer or a fear / complaint. Develop and instill the Attitude – I Can do it. I Will win. I Have conquered this.

Hands, Received On, Light, Appreciation, God, Faith

It is imperative at this time to take a moment, breathe and decide our course of action. Acting impulsively, mindlessly following discussions and criticisms will not help anyone. You have the opportunity to become the hero for someone. Dial down the aggression for vaccine availability, the curiosity for and the blame game for conspiracy theories, 5G testing, targeted biological war and various political agendas. Let us all do what is in our control. Fear decreases survival instinct and our will power to fight. We must revert fear with peace, anger with love and hopelessness with hope. Every thought and action however small it may seem counts. Positive Affirmations help immensely. I Can do it. I Will win. I Have conquered this.

We have to ACT mindfully, with the clear goal in mind. And those goals are not available on any media. We ourselves have to create them by diving deep into our inner goodness, positivity and divinity. We ourselves have to look for positive solutions, relief measures and remedies. After all, this is all our creation. Nature has been neglected and abused for times immemorial and now humanity is facing the consequences. So, if we all are capable of somehow creating disasters by being mindless, we all are definitely capable of creating heaven on earth by being strong, mindful, positive, hopeful, compassionate and divine. I Can do it. I Will win. I Have conquered this.

May these words reach those who need them and benefit all. Please Like, Share and Subscribe. Spread the LIGHT. Spread the LOVE.

Published by Nupur Vimal

Creative Content Writer, Freelancer, Blogger, Corporate Social Responsibility Enthusiast, Project Manager, Event Manager, Social Activist

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