This pandemic has been a huge learning lesson for all of us. We have realized that everything – jobs, houses, material things and moreover LIFE – EVERYTHING is temporary and transient. Attachment to any material thing is worthless. This is a huge reality check for us to change our outlook towards life and our lifestyle.Continue reading “GLORY of GRATITUDE”


The ongoing situation is indeed difficult for everyone, to say the least. But we have to be strong to overcome it. We have to shine at this dark hour and expand the light everywhere. Media is relentlessly projecting disastrous numbers. But we have the power to look at the positive side. We have the powerContinue reading “I CAN..I WILL..I HAVE..”

Light of Faith and Hope

The 5th of April 2020 was earmarked as a day of expressing gratitude, showing strength, unity, and solidarity during a national and worldwide crisis. The clapping, ringing of bells, and clanging of utensils activity on 22nd March 2020 at 5pm IST was a landmark event. ‘Sound‘ was used to express gratitude to all those providingContinue reading “Light of Faith and Hope”

Lessons to learn

With the ongoing global COVID – 19 crisis situation faced by people all over the world and the lockdown, there is a lot of uncertainty and anxiety. There are bigger issues such as the impact on the economy, return to normalcy, control the spread of the pandemic, and others which leaders in various fields areContinue reading “Lessons to learn”

Version 2.0 of ME

With the worldwide COVID – 19 and post COVID scenario, we have to adjust to the new normal. Most of us work from home, divide the household chores, spend some time on social media, socializing electronically, and so on. We are also realizing the need for expression: Are we giving any time to ourselves? DoContinue reading “Version 2.0 of ME”

THIS is the Time

With the ‘forced’ isolation and quarantine going on around the world due to COVID – 19, we also have been given a very precious element. We have been given the gift of TIME. Time, that was always elusive. Time, that we always craved for and wished we had more of it. So, this is IT.Continue reading “THIS is the Time”

FIGHT back

This worldwide crisis of COVID-19 has come to teach us all various lessons. It does not matter how this originated. It does not matter whether this was an accident or done deliberately. What really matters is, What now? With so much information and media around us, our locus of control has always been external. NowContinue reading “FIGHT back”

You are the HERO

Right from our childhood, we all have somehow been looking for an opportunity to become a Hero in the eyes of our loved ones. As we grow up, we aspire to share our experiences and mentor others. We wish others can learn from our mistakes and do not repeat them. That is where the cultureContinue reading “You are the HERO”

CHOOSE the way you want to feel

Fear regarding the pandemic has settled in us to such a level that even the most positive souls are scar(r)ed. Every action has its roots in this fear, nowadays. There is so much self-doubt that we go on questioning our every move. How is it to live in a state of constant fear and worry?Continue reading “CHOOSE the way you want to feel”

WHY is this happening?

The current situation of COVID-19 is a multifaceted situation, with long-term consequences. ‌There are many logical and scientific explanations regarding the current scenario. The contagious virus, the various conspiracy theories of bio-weapons doing the rounds, and so on. But, if we take a few minutes to introspect and search for answers deep down inside us,Continue reading “WHY is this happening?”