Prize and Price for PURITY

The pandemic has instilled fear, anxiety and panic everywhere. While the media is glaring with disappointing numbers, it is time to turn our focus elsewhere. We have to zero in on ourselves. We must tune the locus of control within. There is no doubt that what is happening is a result of Nature’s wrath dueContinue reading “Prize and Price for PURITY”


In the current scenario where the country is gasping for air, we need more resources and facilities. But for that and for a peaceful and healthier future, we need divine intervention. We need more healing, blessings, grace and prayers. Loads of them. True prayers are neither exercises or acts nor are they just vocal chanting.Continue reading “POWER of PRAYERS”


This pandemic has crushed the hopes, wishes and even existence of many. Amidst the widespread fear and anxiety, there is something that is above all this. Something that can help us all survive and win this. Something that is extremely powerful – FAITH. Faith is the complete trust in the divine power and the untoldContinue reading “FORCE of FAITH”


This pandemic has been a huge learning lesson for all of us. We have realized that everything – jobs, houses, material things and moreover LIFE – EVERYTHING is temporary and transient. Attachment to any material thing is worthless. This is a huge reality check for us to change our outlook towards life and our lifestyle.Continue reading “GLORY of GRATITUDE”


The ongoing situation is indeed difficult for everyone, to say the least. But we have to be strong to overcome it. We have to shine at this dark hour and expand the light everywhere. Media is relentlessly projecting disastrous numbers. But we have the power to look at the positive side. We have the powerContinue reading “I CAN..I WILL..I HAVE..”

Every Drop Counts..

The present circumstances have engulfed everyone in gloom, confusions, disbelief and fear. There are many conspiracy theories doing the rounds, both at the micro and macro level. Now, it is up to us to transform gloom into sunshine, confusions and disbelief into positive and strong belief and fear into peace. We have to learn toContinue reading “Every Drop Counts..”